2/3 of all people in the planet are internet users. What do you use the internet for the most? obtaining knowledge. How do we locate that data today?
Search engines are what we use. which specific search engine? Google.
A staggering 78% of all online search traffic comes from Google. When was the last time you looked for “hashrate” or “bitcoin mining”? Do a Google search.
The outcomes are horrible. Quite embarrassing. Who are the main “sources” that Google provides for these kinds of searches?
- Investopedia
- Toptal
- Bankrate
- Bitcoin[dot]com
- Cointelegraph
- Blockchain[dot]com
- Binance Academy
- Forbes
- Hashrate[dot]no
- CoinDesk
No bitcoin miners at all. Not a single. Not on Page 1 or Page 2, and that’s already 100% farther on a Google Search than most people are prepared to go. We don’t even get any of the institutions or organizations that support the Bitcoin mining business but make such claims! When we search for “oil production” or “oil & gas production,” we find a variety of organizations that keep an eye on the sector as well as businesses like Aramco. However, we provide no guidance on bitcoin mining to the typical internet user, be they the CEO of a potential company or a member of Congress’ staff. It makes sense why no one wants or is informed. We are not at anyway assisting ourselves.
This represents a colossal failure on the part of the industry. If almost two thirds of people on the planet use the internet, 78% of search traffic comes from Google Search, and our results do not point them toward bitcoin miners or reliable organizations. We are SUCCESSLESS. Bitcoin miners should position themselves as the main authorities on the topic and sources for information. How does it function? What kind of hardware (ASICs) are used? What is the procedure for allocating subsidies? Who created SHA-256? so forth.
Bitcoin miners can build brand recognition by promoting themselves as the go-to resource for knowledge during the information-seeking phase of the bitcoin/bitcoin mining rabbit hole. Which is the pivotal and influential point in the path of any potential bitcoin user.
Most importantly, it enables potential customers to comprehend and evaluate the possible advantages of incorporating bitcoin mining into their current business.
Additionally, it gives each bitcoin miner the option to provide their own unique arguments regarding the merits of bitcoin mining, current market conditions, and the services they offer, if they so desire. which simply refers to sales. I applaud those of you who realized how effective this is.
Numerous bitcoin miners, both solo and collaborative, are active on social media sites like Twitter (it’s not “X” I will never call it “ex” because that’s such a horrible name for a social platform), but they aren’t directing traffic to their own websites. I understand that there is a lot of peacocking going on, but it should be directed to their websites, which serve as trophy displays. When you use a Twitter feed as a trophy cabinet, the algorithm simply buryes your winnings. without even mentioning the other social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok. Bitcoin miners desire traffic directed to their websites (via links, post shares, etc.) for a figurative TON of reasons. And if you got the reference, well, there are ten times as many reasons why our miners should be boasting from “here ’til Underverse come.”
Content marketing, SEO, and Google Analytics make up a whole ecosystem. Additionally, these techniques require time. It’s time for the algorithms to determine all of the critical variables for SEO or digital advertising campaigns, including the most popular demographics and the phrases that work and don’t work. It’s time to hone tactics and plans if you want to keep from having to pay the outrageous costs that Google suggests. It’s also time to decide what functions well and what doesn’t. In other words, the longer bitcoin miners neglect this vector, the more room they offer their rivals to gain dominance and devour them for lunch.
The websites run by our miners are another issue. Not the most attractive girls at the ball, if you get my meaning. Many suffice to do the task, and some even offer a substantial amount of pertinent information. But they are sufficient just the same. But there is never enough when it comes to bitcoin. We should strive for excellence in whatever we do. Every person and every bitcoin business serves as a spokesperson for this sector of the economy, the members of the community, and the asset itself.
All people have the innate ability to evaluate the worth of an entity (whether it an individual, a group, or a firm) based on how they present themselves. We must hold ourselves to higher standards if we want to hold the world to a higher standard under bitcoin (heck, who am I fooling, a bunch of higher standards). By improving their websites a little, changing how they use social media, and using the content of their websites to increase search engine traffic, miners can achieve a lot. While it does seem like a lot, it is not always an expensive tab. It just needs people who have taken the time to learn the basics of how these games are played to help them develop their strategy.
Any bitcoin miner who doesn’t put in the effort to get as much online attention as possible will eventually suffer. Who among their rivals is most likely to seize this chance? they are currently dating. More particular, the players that are currently energy producers, such as Exxon, Chevron, Shell, etc., already produce energy. Current miners will start to lose market share or be bought once these parties decide they can mine independently and with their own internal technicians. Gaining market share entails gaining less influence and money. Current miners cannot afford to lose these two things.
Enough is not enough. Excellence is required.