To select a stock that can give you better returns is a difficult jargon to solve. Usually, investors make use of fundamental analysis of stocks, qualitative analysis of stocks, technical analysis of stocks to check out the company’s or the stock’s health and try to predict whether it is able to deliver the desired return in the near future just say after 10 years or more. Many investors treat the combination of the fundamental and technical analysis as the killing strategy. This combined strategy is called CAN SLIM. In this
What is CAN SLIM Strategy
CAN SLIM strategy is used by many investors as an investment strategy which involves the above said ways of analysis to find out the best stocks. This strategy stands on the pillars of the Earning, New product or service, Supply and demand, Leader or laggard, Institutional sponsorship
- Read also: Stock-Picking Strategies: CAN SLIM – Investopedia
- Read also: Stocks: Look for quality? CAN SLIM model throws up these 10 stocks
C = Current Quarterly Earnings
Current quarterly earnings reveal a company’s current performance. It shows the results done by the company in the last quarters. In this method of current quarterly earnings, investors actually watch out those companies which have generated an EPS growth of at least 20% in the recent quarters over the past 3 years. As an investor, you should invest in such a company which has delivered at least 15% sales growth during
A = Annual Earnings Growth
Before making
N = New Product or Service
As the full form itself expresses, you need to keep eye on the new product or service launched by the company in which you are going to invest. It is important for any company to launch
S = Supply and Demand
There is a rule of ‘Law of demand’ which was delivered by Alfred Marshall in the year of 1936. This law tells us when the demand increases then the price also moves to
L = Leader or Laggard
In any
I = Institutional Sponsorship
This method expresses that a stock can be a winner if owned by any banks, Govt. authorities, Mutual funds, Pension funds
M = Market Direction
At the time of making
How to pick Quality Stocks by CAN SLIM Strategy
Many investors are more concerned about the price i.e., P/E ratio of the stocks. They forget the fact that these shares are trading on higher valuations than the cheap valuations shares for a reason. Just
By this robust performance, mutual funds get attracted eventually to this kind of companies and create a spike in demand of that specific stock or share. This spike of demand enables a stock to move upward price direction and so forth. You must not rely only on the P/E ratio only. You
- Read also: Fundamental Analysis of Stocks For Beginners
- Read also: How to use Price to Earnings Ratio to Pick Stocks
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